3 ways to detox that aren’t total BS
Detox is a hot topic in health and wellness. But we often discuss detoxification without discussing removing the root cause—the toxins we are exposed to every day at ever increasing levels. If you do nothing else to support detoxification, start with reducing the amount of toxins come in. Not with the detox tea or the juice cleanse.
Filtered water
The Portland water bureau states the following may be found in our water supply:
“…microbial contaminants, such as viruses, bacteria, and protozoa from wildlife; inorganic contaminants, such as naturally-occurring salts and metals; pesticides and herbicides, which may come from farming, urban stormwater runoff, or home and business use; organic chemical contaminants, such as byproducts from industrial processes or the result of chlorine combining with naturally-occurring organic matter; and radioactive contaminants, such as naturally-occurring radon.”
The Environmental protection agency (EPA) sets limits as to what levels are consider safe for consumption, but ultimately, consuming none is your safest bet and an easy way to lessen your burden of toxins.
Any filter is a great upgrade. If you are willing to invest and want something plastic-free, go with the Berkey water filter. An investment none the less, but they do offer discounts on their products with factory cosmetic defects.
In addition, consider getting a filter for your shower head. Our skin is our largest organ and we can both absorb and excrete toxins though it. Shower filters are inexpensive and easy to install.
Filtered Air
We’re breathing all the every day, making air pollution a large contributor to our daily toxic exposure. NASA did a study looking at which house plants are best at filtering air. Interestingly, they found many house plants that have this capability. Here are a few of my favorites:
· Bamboo palm
· Pothos
· Snake plant
If you live in a large city or near a busy road or highway, invest in a HEPA air filter. WINIX offers refurbished models for a very reasonable price of $70-$90.
You eat three times per day. So here’s another great opportunity to reduce your toxic load. While it would be lovely to be able to buy everything local, fresh, and organic, it’s just not realistic. So how do you prioritize? Here are a few tips.
Every year the Environmental Working Group (EWG) comes out with a list of 12 foods with the highest pesticide levels. Buy these foods organic.
· Strawberries
· Spinach
· Kale
· Nectarines
· Apples
· Grapes
· Cherries
· Peaches
· Pears
· Bell peppers
· Celery
· Tomatoes
If you consume animal products, buy them organic when you can—especially the high fat animal products as toxins accumulate most readily in animal fat (think butter, eggs, and fatty meats).
If there are foods you eat on the daily (for me these include coffee, eggs, and nuts/seeds), consider opting for the organic version.
Be well,
Dr. Fix